• Legenda Asal Mula Nama Kota Bandung

    Legenda Asal Mula Nama Kota Bandung

    Alkisah pada zaman dahulu kala di tanah pasundan, di pinggiran sungai Citarum hidup lah seorang kakek tua yang terkenal karena memiliki ilmu sakti mandraguna. Disana Ia tinggal bersama anak perempuannya…

  • Kisah Bujang Katak

    Kisah Bujang Katak

    Bujang Katak adalah seorang pemuda miskin yang tinggal di sebuah dusun di daerah Bangka, Provinsi Bangka-Belitung (Babel), Indonesia. Ia dipanggil Bujang Katak karena bentuk tubuhnya seperti katak. Walaupun demikian, ia…

  • Epic Historical Battle: the Battle of Myeongnyang

    Epic Historical Battle: the Battle of Myeongnyang

    The Battle of Myeongnyang. This represents the greatest “victory against all odds” -type battle I have ever seen. This battle occurred in 1597 AD and involved Admiral Yi Sun-shin of…

  • Epic Historical Battle: The Battle of Cannae

    Epic Historical Battle: The Battle of Cannae

    Hannibal’s incredible battle of annihilation against the Roman army has been studied throughout history, and many famous generals like Napoleon and Frederick II both regarded it as the greatest tactical…

  • Epic Historical Battle:  Battle of Leipzig

    Epic Historical Battle: Battle of Leipzig

    1813, 16–19 October, Battle of Leipzig (otherwise known as the battle of Nations). This battle deserves its name, for nearly all nations of Europe fought in this conflict. Italians, Germans,…